Jan 22, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Additional Learning & Support Opportunities

Accessibility Services

Building 10, Room 10424 • (937) 512-5113 • www.sinclair.edu/accessibility-services

Accessibility Services provides assistance to all qualified students with disabilities, whether they are physical, psychiatric or educational. Students are required to register with the office and identify their needs in order to be eligible for academic adjustments. All services are based on individual needs. We are here to help students reach their academic goals. Students may begin the process by completing an application on our website www.sinclair.edu/services/support/accessibility-services

Appalachian Outreach

Building 10, Room 10424 • (937) 512-4429 • www.sinclair.edu/appalachian

Appalachian Outreach collaborates with college and community partners to provide programs and services that help eliminate educational and social barriers, champion the benefits of post-secondary education and life-skills training and promote Appalachian cultural awareness at Sinclair and in the community.

Appalachian Outreach provides community update breakfast meetings which is open to all (students, faculty/staff, community members). We share news important to the culture and learn from a guest speaker about topics of interest

Cultural events offered include traditional music concerts, and presentations from other artists representing Appalachia such as poets, toy makers, and other musicians. Each spring break, a 3-day trip to Appalachia is planned. A limited number of students may attend.

Sinclair tuition & book scholarships are available to qualifying students of Appalachian heritage.

College for Lifelong Learning

Building 10, First Floor, Welcome Desk • (937) 512-2372 • www.sinclair.edu/lifelong

Adults of any age may enroll in 6000 level, non-credit semester courses. Classes offered can include Art, History and more. Classes carry a modest fee to cover instructional costs. For more information, visit the College for Lifelong Learning web page.

Counseling Services

Building 10, Room 10424 • (937) 512-3032 • https://www.sinclair.edu/services/support/counseling-services/

Counseling Services offers free and confidential counseling to students to address personal and academic concerns. Counselors help students identify actions steps they can take to reduce and eliminate challenges in their lives.

Fast Forward Re-engagement Center

Job Center, Suite 250, Edwin C. Moses Blvd. • Dayton, Ohio • (937) 512-FAST (3278) • www.sinclair.edu/fastforward

The Sinclair Fast Forward Re-engagement Center (FFRC), established in 2001, has re-engaged over 4,300 disconnected youth throughout Montgomery County. Nationally recognized as a one-of-a-kind community resource center for families and their students looking to complete their high school credentials and establish their career pathway, FFRC assists students ages 15 and up who have stopped out of school, not attending regularly or are credit deficient in identifying a best fit academic option to get them back on track for graduation. FFRC is a county-wide collaborative partnership with traditional and non-traditional schools, as well as community organizations and youth workforce development agencies throughout Montgomery County. 

Food Pantry

Building 13, Room 426 • foodpantry@sinclair.edu • https://www.sinclair.edu/services/support/counseling-services/

The Sinclair Student Food Pantry offers a selection of shelf-stable pantry goods, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, diapers, formula, wipes and for in-person shoppers, the pantry now offers a selection of refrigerated and frozen food items.

International Education

Building 10, Room 10303 • (937) 512-3060 • www.sinclair.edu/international

The International Education Office supports international students and promotes programs and initiatives such as study abroad and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). These programs are designed to make Sinclair more globally oriented and internationally connected. Staff members strive to provide high quality services and support to international students and to the Sinclair community.

LGBTQ+ Outreach

Building 10, Room 10441 • (937) 512-2481 • www.sinclair.edu/lgbtq-support/

LGBTQ+ Outreach works to welcome students who identify as LGBTQ+ and to advocate for issues related to the LGBTQ+ community, in order to ensure that all students on campus feel welcome, respected, and safe as valued members of the campus community.

Multifaith Campus Ministry

Building 10, Room 10441 • (937) 512-2481 • www.sinclair.edu/services/support/campus-ministry/

The Office of Multifaith Campus Ministry is a center for spiritual life that encourages interfaith dialogue and spiritual deepening. The Multifaith Campus Chaplain works to provide pastoral care, educational opportunities, and programs related to religious and spiritual life. Students, staff, and faculty from all religious traditions and spiritual practices, as well as those who have no affiliation, are welcome.

Office of the Ombudsman

Building 10, Room 10424 • (937) 512-2205 • www.sinclair.edu/ombudsman

The mission of the Office of the Ombudsman at Sinclair is to provide support, mediation, and advocacy for fair processes throughout the institution. The office works to analyze information gathered from student experiences in order to implement procedural changes into Sinclair’s culture. The Ombudsman can provide collaborative, mediation, intervention, and connecting services, as well as advocate for fair processes and procedures.

School Partnerships

Building 6, Room 6122 • (937) 512-2267 • www.sinclair.edu/about/offices/sp

College Credit Plus, Tech Prep, and Transition Advising, provide opportunities for students in grades 7-12 to:

  • Be exposed to college coursework and career pathways
  • Earn college credit PRIOR to high school graduation
  • Receive added support with their high school teacher and Sinclair faculty
  • Reduce time and cost to a college credential
  • Earn scholarship opportunities - Tech Prep and CCP Completion for students continuing at Sinclair after high school
  • Develop a post-high school enrollment plan

Sinclair Campus Store

Building 7, First Floor • (937) 512-2665 • campuswebstore.sinclair.edu

Visit the Sinclair Campus Store for all the college essential and required supplies you need right on campus or online!

Sinclair Online Bookstore

Books by eCampus • sinclair.ecampus.com Use the Online Bookstore to order new, used, rental, eBook and marketplace textbooks.

Sinclair Talks

Sinclair Talks are a variety of workshops, seminars, interactive sessions, dialogues, and service-learning opportunities that are focused on enriching the student experience through a variety of academic resources, career exploration, diversity dialogues, financial opportunities, leadership training, interpersonal development, peer discussions, and more.

Student and Community Engagement

Building 8, Room 8025 (937) 512-2509 www.sinclair.edu/engagement

Student and Community Engagement provides students with a wide variety of resources ranging from leadership development opportunities to resources for connecting to local employment opportunities. The office is also responsible for a variety of student activities, campus clubs, and other organizations. This department serves as a resource for employers who are seeking to connect with and recruit students through job postings, career fairs, or other on-campus activities.

Student Enrichment Programs

Building 19, Room 19103 • (937) 512-5231 • www.sinclair.edu/about/offices/sep

The Student Enrichment Programs at Sinclair collaborate with schools and other community stakeholders to provide programming and support that increase access to college and build a foundation for career readiness and completion of a college certificate or degree. This is achieved through the design and delivery of high-quality, student-centered programs that create synergy between in-class and out-of-class learning. This department believes that through education ALL students will achieve their dreams.

Tartan Tops

(937) 512-2309 • accessibility@sinclair.edu

The TOPS Program will provide an educational/career pathway for part-time students who have an intel­lectual disability. Students completing the pathway will receive an Academic Career Readiness and Training credential. The general education courses taken as part of this program will assist students with developing the skills needed for academic and career success. Students will complete two semesters of internship experiences to prepare them to enter the workforce.

Tutoring & Learning Center

Library, Room 7L07 • (937) 512-2792 • www.sinclair.edu/tlc

The Tutoring & Learning Center is the centralized location for academic support on campus. The mission of the Tutoring & Learning Center is to empower students through quality tutoring. Services are free to currently enrolled students. The Tutoring & Learning Center provides support for over 200 courses. Students can self-schedule on the TLCs website to meet with a tutor either face-to-face or virtually.

Work-based Learning

Building 11, Room 10346 • Dayton Campus • (937) 512-2769 • www.sinclair.edu/work-based-learning

Work-based Learning (WBL) integrates the school curriculum with the workplace to provide students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills to develop their employability.  More than 25 programs at Sinclair require students to earn internship credit to complete their degree.  Staff within the office of WBL provide students with the assistance they need in acquiring internships in the community, whether the internship is required or not.

Workforce Development

Building 11, Room 11346 • Dayton Campus • (937) 252-9787 workforcedevelopment@sinclair.eduworkforce.sinclair.edu

Sinclair Workforce Development partners with the Dayton region’s industry leaders to provide professional development and training solutions that empower organizational and personal growth. We offer a wide array of innovative programs and services in manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, and leadership and organizational development, as well as industry-recognized credentials, online learning and more. We welcome the opportunity to help you enrich, elevate, and empower your workforce.