Jan 23, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Programs by Degree

There are three types of two-year degree programs and one type of four-year degree program offered at Sinclair:

University parallel programs are associate of arts or associate of science degree programs designed specifically for transfer to a four-year institution.

Career programs are associate of applied science degree programs designed to prepare for a particular job or vocational area or transfer to a four-year school.

Individualized degrees are associate of individualized study or associate of technical study degree programs designed for specialized interest, often combining multiple degree programs.

Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS)

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees are designed for students wishing to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree, as well as those desiring two years of a liberal arts education.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Associate of Applied Science degrees are awarded in recognition of successful completion of career technical education programs and prepare students for immediate employment upon graduation. The curricula for applied associate degree programs are described in terms of technical and non-technical studies. Non-technical studies include general education and courses that serve as a base for the technical field. Some degrees require program prerequisites as noted. Program prerequisites are courses or requirements that must be successfully completed prior to entering the program.

Associate of Technical Study (ATS)

Associate of Technical Study degrees are awarded for successful completion of a planned program of study designed to respond to the need for specialized technical education. The program must have an area of concentration which is equivalent to at least 30 semester credit hours in technical studies and a clearly identifiable career objective. The area of concentration can either be formed by: a) a coherent combination of technical courses selectively drawn from two or more technical programs currently offered by the college to serve a career objective that would not be adequately addressed by one of the existing programs alone; or b) courses completed or training received by a student at other institutions of higher education, career centers, or other educational enterprises judged by the institution to be of college level and for which the institution awards degree credit.

Associate of Individualized Study (AIS)

Associate of Individualized Study degrees are awarded for the satisfactory completion of an individually planned program designed to serve an educational objective that could not be served through another degree program of the institution. The program, planned by the student and advisor must contain an area of concentration consisting of a minimum of 20 semester credit hours which is formed according to one of the following models: a) an interdisciplinary, but coherent combination of courses drawn from a minimum of two and a maximum of four instructional areas; b) up to forty semester credit hours awarded by the institution for documentable educational experiences or courses completed at other institutions of higher education or educational enterprises judged by the institution to be of college level; or c) an unusual but academically coherent combination of technical and general studies courses.

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)

Bachelor of Applied Science degrees offer educational opportunities to students who have completed an AAS degree and are now seeking to complete a four-year degree.

Some degree programs contain embedded certificates. These are certificate programs that contain all of the same courses required for a degree program. When a student completes these requirements while they are pursuing their selected degree program, the certificate(s) will be automatically awarded. If a student does not want to automatically receive embedded certificates, they must come to the Registration & Student Records office on the Dayton Campus, or the front desk at any Regional Center to fill out the required form to prevent the embedded certificate(s) from being awarded. The form must be completed and submitted during the first term the degree program is declared.

Certificate (CRT) and Short Term Certificate (STC)

Certificate programs are academic programs of study designed to prepare students for a particular career area, but not at the level required for an associate degree. There are one year certificate programs and short term technical certificates. The technical certificates are much more industry-focused and designed for workforce preparation.

Associate of Arts

Associate of Science

Associate of Applied Science


Short Term Certificate

Associate of Individualized Study

Associate of Technical Study

Bachelor of Applied Science